This project contributed to the certification of the Computer Graphics course at SUPSI. The project, called "The Crane," was developed in C++ using the OpenGL library. The goal was to create a graphics engine capable of operating on both platforms, Windows and Linux, with the ability to render three-dimensional objects, apply textures and basic lighting effects. "The Crane" was created as part of the Graphics course and was the result of the work of a 3-member team. The engine supports "ovo files," a custom format created by our teacher. This project provided an opportunity to gain hands-on experience with OpenGL, learn the fundamentals of developing a graphics engine from scratch, and improve our skills in C++ and library development. The final product includes an executable file, along with a DLL for Windows and an OS file for Linux, ensuring compatibility on both platforms. The developed software allows users to simulate the control of a crane via keyboard input. This crane can interact with objects through a hook, allowing users to lift and move objects within a virtual environment.